< August 2011 News >

22.AUG.2011 - New rap!

Holy shit, it' about fucking time! D To Tha motherfuckin' Frizzle is back in town with the tasty new track, "Ready For Disaster"! Buy this shit on iTunes now!!!

The YouTube video has HD audio, artwork & lyrics. And... Here it is on Soundcloud.

14.AUG.2011 - D To Tha Frizzle is back!

That's right wiggers, in preperation for his next single "Ready For Disatser", Do To Tha Frizzle has opened up his very own SoundCloud page! Only song up at the moment is his 2008 single "Brown Girls", but keep your eyes and ears peeled because the next single will be available to stream and/or buy from iTunes in about a week. Peace!
